Taxation & Finance
Tax Law
At Kasper & Associates, we counsel on the full range of international, federal and state tax issues that arise in structuring strategic, commercial and financial transactions and investment products. Our firm adds significant value to these transactions by creating tax-efficient structures and by providing innovative, practical solutions to the tax issues that challenge our clients.
We develop tax-planning strategies that achieve clients’ business objectives while using the tax laws to advance the economic efficiency of transactions. Knowing and understanding a client’s business, balance sheet and competitive profile allows us to appropriately balance tax considerations and transaction objectives to achieve the best possible results.
Finance Law
In today’s era of increased transparency, heightened regulatory and law enforcement scrutiny, and growing activism on the part of shareholders and the plaintiffs’ bar, financial advisors play a critical role in the success of any corporate transaction, investment or financing deal. While investment banks and other financial advisory companies can help their clients minimize risks, their own involvement in mergers, acquisitions, and securities and corporate matters can increase their exposure to claims, disputes and litigation. The financial advisory team at Kasper & Associates helps clients in negotiating effective engagement agreements and in rendering fairness, solvency and valuation opinions.
We counsel clients at every step in the process, including drafting and negotiating engagement letters and indemnification agreements, reviewing and commenting on transaction documents and investment bank and advisory firms’ presentations to their clients’ boards of directors, and drafting opinions and descriptions of the financial analyses underlying those opinions in documents to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We also provide guidance with respect to general corporate issues that arise in the context of our clients’ engagements, such as fiduciary duties analysis, disclosure philosophy and compliance with federal securities law.